Posted: Tuesday, May 19, 2020
ERZIA Technologies, an RF/microwave amplifier and integrated assembly company delivering COTS solutions for high-performance/high frequency applications, has recently announced a breakthrough in a design approach that answers the call for wideband high power amplifiers (WHPAs) that offer both broadband frequency coverage and consistent output power throughout bands as high as E-band. These wideband designs are among the first of their kind to be capable of withstanding the harshest environments while holding output power in place. ERZIA developed these solutions in direct response to Electronic Warfare (EW) designers routinely indicating frustration over power variances throughout their critical wider band applications. Other designers also indicated a need for a single high-power amplifier (HPA) to serve a variety of multi-band uses among their teams.
“When we delivered our first wideband HPAs with our new design approach, our customer was certain his highly sensitive, high frequency ATE stand would identify at least a blip in power difference across the full bandwidth,” says Luis Garcia, Founder and CEO at ERZIA. “He found no such change on each of a handful of broadband microwave designs we now offer as standardized commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) wideband high-power amplifiers, or WHPAs.”
The current lineup of ERZIA WHPAs include models exhibiting the following bandwidth/output power combinations: 1-23 GHz/27 dBm; 2-18 GHz/30 dBm; 15-27 GHz/29 dBm; 17-43 GHz/22 dBm; 24-40 GHz/22 dBm; 26-40 GHz/33 dBm; 33-47 GHz/29 dBm and 75-83 GHz/27 dBm. Our current product catalog can be downloaded here: Download.
ERZIA offers two locations to order from: Santander, Spain, and Arlington, VA USA.
Data sheets can be downloaded, and price and delivery can be requested, at
Many ERZIA HPAs, WHPAs, and LNAs may be ordered via sales representatives here:
